By Hiring A Process Server Surrey BC Lawyers Can Get Cases To Court Faster

By Della Monroe

There are numerous rules, regulations and laws that govern legal proceedings in court. Before a case can be heard in court, all the required preceding steps must be followed. This can take time. One of the requirements for a case to proceed to court is that all relevant documents pertaining to the case must be delivered to everybody that is entitled to such documents. This is not always easy. By hiring an experienced process server Surrey BC lawyers can ensure that documents are delivered quickly and efficiently.

No legal proceedings may be instituted on any individual or organization without informing them of the intention to do so. This has to be done in writing. In many cases the documentation has to be delivered to the recipient in person. In earlier days this was the duty of the local sheriff but it soon became too time consuming and this duty started to affect their other responsibilities negatively.

With the rising need for officials that are able to locate people and deliver legal documents an entirely new type of job was created. Most states quickly adopted a set of rules used to determine whether an applicant is suitable for this type of job. Servers not only deliver legal documents to individuals, but also to government departments, businesses and other law firms. In addition, they have to submit prove that the job has been done.

One of the biggest problems faced by serving officials is the location of the intended recipient. A surprising number of people try to avoid accepting delivery of such documents, knowing full well that the case cannot proceed until this legal requirement has been met. In other cases the recipient may have relocated to another city, state or even another country. Serving in such cases can become very complicated.

Serving legal documents can be dangerous and there are many instances where messengers were attacked, abused and even killed. Serving officials may ask for help from the police but they will be required to provide very good reasons for such requests. Bureaucratic procedures may delay the process, often allowing the recipient to disappear. The police will only help to locate the recipient in extremely urgent cases.

Trespassing laws have also proved to be a great hindrance. Officials are not allowed to bypass laws on trespassing to deliver their documents. Gated communities, high security apartment blocks, fenced homes with access control systems and secure housing estates makes it very difficult to gain access in a legal manner. Interestingly, the state of California is an exception in this case. There, trespassing laws are not applicable when legal documents are to be delivered.

The requirements for entering this field differ from state to state. In some states it is enough to pass a background check and to be free of previous criminal convictions. Other states require applicants to attend formal courses and to pass written exams. A large percentage of people in this field comes from a police background and many law firms and private investigating firms also employ serving professionals.

Some critics are of the opinion that the laws governing the delivery of legal papers are hampering the justice system. However, the right to be informed, in writing, about legal matters pending is enshrined in the constitution. The serving system may sometimes be slow, but it helps to ensure that every citizen is given a fair chance.

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